A Police-Led Partnership Safeguarding Businesses Online

Dave joined Derbyshire Constabulary in 1996 and qualified as a detective in 2001. He has performed a variety of roles and has spent much of his operational career engaged in the fight against organised crime.
Dave achieved promotion in 2012 and since then he has trained as a firearms commander and a Senior Investigating Officer, leading homicide enquires in the East Midlands.
At more senior ranks Dave has again been focussed on tackling organised crime of all kinds and reducing the harm it causes to communities. He has done this through a variety of roles, such as Director of Intelligence for Derbyshire, as regional lead for Cybercrime and as the National Coordinator for Serious and Organised Crime.
In May 2019 Dave was appointed Head of the East Midlands Special Operations Unit (EMSOU), one of the largest collaborative units in the country, made up of around 1,200 police officers and staff. Shortly after he took on the role of Director within the Cyber Resilience Centre.
In 2021 Dave returned to Derbyshire Constabulary as Head of Crime. He has retained the lead for Cybercrime in the East Midlands.