A Police-Led Partnership Safeguarding Businesses Online

Cyber Security & Resilience Services
Our integrated range of cyber security services are designed to help businesses assess, build and manage online networks. They also assist businesses and their staff to have the right strategies to respond to incidents efficiently and to mitigate any potential damage a cyber-attack may create.
Through Cyber PATH, local university students are trained and mentored by senior ethical hackers, to deliver all our services and to work with staff to build their cyber awareness, understand the latest cyber threats and secure the business's online environment.
Partner Resource Support
This service provides student expertise in support of our partners with whom we are engaged under the terms of an MoU.
Student’s will be provided to our Partners based on the technical skills requirement captured during a detailed scoping phase with students committed to the project on a time & materials arrangement.
The student resource might be used to fill temporary resource gaps, support extended resource requirements to support projects, or during incident response.
These resources may also be provided on a virtual team basis, where a variety of skill sets are required through a project lifecycle.