We’re delighted and honoured to announce that the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Angelique Foster, is joining our Governance Board.

Commissioner Foster was elected to the role as Police and Crime Commissioner in 2021. She has been a key figure in local government for more than a decade.
As well as joining the Board at the EMCRC, the commissioner also provides funding to the Business Crime Reduction Partnership which supports the work of the East Midlands Chamber in protecting businesses across Derbyshire.
Law-abiding citizens and victims of crime lie firmly at the heart of all the priorities in her Police and Crime Plan. Since being elected, Angelique has secured over £7.3 million in additional funding to boost community safety in Derbyshire and Derby City.
Her focus on strong local policing across the force area, alongside a relentless approach to raising standards, has seen trailblazing approaches introduced to tackling rural crime, anti-social behaviour, violence against women and girls and support for victims of crime.
To deliver on this work, the Commissioner has increased partnership working with key partners across the county to help roll out new initiatives that are tackling the priorities within her Police and Crime Plan.
The Commissioner is also a local County Councillor at Derbyshire County Council and as such has fulfilled a variety of responsibilities through the years, including as a Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and a Board Member of the Enterprise and Employment Board.
As Police and Crime Commissioner, she currently sits on a number of boards including the East Midlands Criminal Justice Board, Derbyshire and Derby Road Safety Partnership and both the Derbyshire and Derby City Safer Communities Board.
On her appointment, the Commissioner said:
“I am pleased to join the EMCRC’s board and further support its work across the region.
“Cyber crime is a growing threat to businesses with criminals becoming increasingly more sophisticated in their approach. Many online crimes are preventable with the right resources and security in place and affordability should not be a barrier.
“Tackling cybercrime and working closely with partners on the issue is a priority in my Police and Crime Plan. By working with the EMCRC and regional policing colleagues, I will help ensure Derbyshire stays ahead of the risks and trends and that businesses receive the support they need to protect their data assets from attack. This includes reducing their vulnerability so that cybercriminals are unable to exploit any weaknesses.”
Colin Ellis, EMCRC Managing Director and Police Lead, added:
“The admission of Commissioner Foster onto our board is without doubt the most significant moment in the EMCRC’s short history. It is not only recognition of the significant threat that online crime brings to our communities, but importantly it also validates the pivotal role that the EMCRC has in helping organisations to build their resilience against it.
Upon being introduced to the EMCRC, the Commissioner immediately recognised the value of the CRC and was quick to offer her support, demonstrating her determination to help protect Derbyshire businesses and local services.
My fellow directors and I are delighted to welcome Commissioner Foster to the board and look forward to working together with her to help our business communities become more secure and resilient.”
To see all our board members and the EMCRC team as a whole, visit: Meet The Team.
We are looking to make further valuable additions to our CRC board - this is an opportunity for the region’s significant businesses and organisations to join together with senior law enforcement officials and government to inform regional developments on cyber resilience and reduce the risk posed by cyber criminals to their supply chains, customer bases and the wider SME community.
The CRC are interested to hear from those organisations who feel they could contribute.
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