We’re delighted to welcome Lincolnshire Care Association (LinCA) as the East Midlands Cyber Resilience Centre's latest Friend of the Centre.

LinCA is a not-for-profit organisation supporting adult care providers of Domiciliary Care, End of Life Care, Learning Disabilities, Mental Health, Nursing Homes, Residential Care Homes, and Supported Living within the independent and voluntary sectors in Lincolnshire.
They exist to help their members get their voices heard, both locally and nationally, helping provide better care across Lincolnshire. They play a key role in promoting a positive image of the care sector, ensuring there is quality and choice in the provision of care services within their region.
Their vision
The demographic and social trends within Lincolnshire, both now and in the future, will influence the nature and demand for appropriate care services. In addition to the ageing population the number of people with physical and mental frailties will increase. The expectations and aspirations of people in need of care are and will continue to be greater than ever before.
LINCA’s response to the future is to ensure that there is quality and choice in the provision of care services within Lincolnshire. They aim to do this through easily accessible information, advice and support and to encourage care providers to respond to need, through the provision of quality services and to work in partnership with other agencies and organisations.
Their purpose
The purpose of Lincolnshire Care Association (LinCA) is to:
Represent the views and concerns of both proprietors and managers concerned with the provision of care.
To foster and exchange ideas between members and to provide services that are of mutual benefit and assistance.
To advise members on any matter relevant to the provision of care.
Their mission
LinCA aims to support and enable care providers to deliver effective, sustainable services with quality, person-centred outcomes for those who use them, and to respond in a dynamic way to changes in the wider health and care system.
If you have any queries about the Lincolnshire Care Association or membership then please contact helpdesk@linca.org.uk
Damon Habbin, Digital Projects Manager at the Lincolnshire Care Association, said of the appointment:
“With care providers in Lincolnshire exceed 80% Digital Security Protection Toolkit (DSPT) compliance, working with East Midlands Cyber Resilience Centre, to access further free Cyber Security support should be your next step, on your Digital Journey”
Colin Ellis, Managing Director and Police Delivery Lead at the EMCRC, added:
“Whilst it may not seem obvious, care providers continue to be vulnerable to cyber attacks. Organisations like LinCa are vital for knowledge sharing and driving up awareness within the sector. It's great they recognise the value of association with us here at the EMCRC and within policing”.
Friends of the Centre are membership organsiations who want to help their members and community build their cyber resilience.
Our Friends organisations actively ask their members to join the EMCRC as they recognise that cyber resilience is an essential in today's digital world.
LinCa are another great addition to the EMCRC's Friends group, and it shows our ambition as a Centre that we wish to partner with outstanding businesses and organisations.
But our ambition doesn’t end there. We’re seeking the support of other distinguished businesses and motivational business leaders by joining us, not just as Friends of the Centre but also as Community Ambassadors, Community Members or Board members. We now have the scope for businesses to join us on various levels of affiliation.
If you would like to support our work and join our community, or feel you can bring equal skill, vision and ingenuity to the Centre in other areas, then please contact us via our website or contact Colin Ellis via his LinkedIn account.
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