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EMCRC welcome a new member to their Advisory Group

The EMCRC Advisory Group continues to grow, with Voyage Education Partnership's Luke Vere announced as the latest member.

As members of the East Midlands cyber community, our Advisory Group members provide guidance, advice and influence the direction of the Centre.

The latest addition to the group, Luke Vere, is already affiliated with the Centre, with Voyage Education Partnership being one of our Community Ambassadors, joining us almost exactly one year ago.

Luke is the Digital Services Manager at the Voyage Education Partnership. He has worked in IT for over 16 years in the education sector and has wide experience in cyber security across the sector.


He has successfully led the Voyage Education Partnership on a transformative journey, inheriting a network that faced a major cybersecurity incident (read the case study of that incident here) and steering it towards becoming a resilient and trusted digital ecosystem, culminating in the achievement of Cyber Essentials certification.


From this experience, Luke has been working with other Multi-Academy Trusts to understand their cyber risks and speaking at events, raising the profile of cyber security in education and the work of the East Midlands Reliance Centre.

Upon his appointment to the EMCRC's Advisory Group, Colin Ellis, Managing Director and Police Lead at the EMCRC, said:

"It’s great that Luke has volunteered his time to help us grow our reach and influence in the education sector. This is a key sector for us in policing, as helping to protect the smooth operation of our schools is important after so many other disruptions that have occurred in recent years.
Luke has significant expertise in cyber security in schools, having experienced the effects of ransomware and putting systems in place to recover from it. He knows what schools need and can give us insight in relation to making our services attractive to them."

What is an Advisory Group member?

The Cyber Resilience Centre for the East Midlands has an established Advisory Group featuring a range of industry professions from all backgrounds to help support the growth of the Centre.

As members of the East Midlands cyber community, our Advisory Group members provide guidance, advice and influence the direction of the Centre.

Luke is a great addition to the EMCRC's Advisory Group, and it shows our ambition as a Centre that we wish to partner with outstanding businesses and organisations such as Voyage Education Partnership.

But our ambition doesn’t end there. We’re seeking the support of other distinguished businesses and motivational business leaders by joining us, not just as Advisory Group members, but as Community Members, Friends of the Centre, Community Ambassadors or Board members. We now have the scope for businesses to partner with us on various levels of affiliation.

If you would like to support our work and join our community, or feel you can bring equal skill, vision and ingenuity to the Centre in other areas, then please contact us via our website or contact Colin Ellis via his LinkedIn account.



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