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37 items found for "school"

  • EMCRC welcome a new member to their Advisory Group

    This is a key sector for us in policing, as helping to protect the smooth operation of our schools is Luke has significant expertise in cyber security in schools, having experienced the effects of ransomware He knows what schools need and can give us insight in relation to making our services attractive to them

  • Government-funded leadership course helps small business leaders boost performance and resilience

    Designed by entrepreneurs and industry experts from the UK’s leading business schools, the course helps The course is delivered by multiple Small Business Charter accredited business schools in the East Midlands , including the University of Leicester School of Business, who are set to become partners of ours. Ian Harmer, Business Coordinator at the University of Leicester School of Business, said: “I would encourage The University of Leicester School of Business is delivering the course in both the East Midlands and

  • Further ransomware attacks on the UK education sector

    the UK’s education sector was issued by the NCSC after a notable rise in cases, and since then two schools At the East Midlands Cyber Resilience Centre, we also want to encourage school staff, managers and board Our Business Premium+ Membership could also support schools for a 12-month period, this includes Cyber These policies will help schools understand the processes that should be in place to protect the school Look out for more information on how schools can protect themselves against cyber criminality in the

  • The ANME become latest EMCRC Friend of the Centre

    The ANME is a networking group for Network Managers, IT Directors, and IT Technicians employed by UK schools offering face-to-face meetings and a private online portal allowing members to meet colleagues from other schools

  • What is doxxing and how can you keep your child safe?

    The school summer term has started, meaning that the summer holidays are just around the corner, and not to tell anyone their real name, share pictures of themselves online or tell anyone about which school

  • Paying ransoms could soon become illegal

    No business or organisation is immune from ransomware attacks, with governments, schools and even hospitals Colonial Pipeline paying £3.1m to ransomware hackers made international headlines, and it’s believed schools

  • Don't get hooked by catfishing

    It seems to be an old school practice. information, such as your name, your images from your accounts, even your history (e.g. where you went to school

  • Further ransomware attacks on the UK education sector by cyber criminals

    As of late May/June 2021, the NCSC is investigating another increase in ransomware attacks against schools Practical resources to help schools The NCSC has produced a number of practical resources to help schools and other educational institutions improve their cyber security: Cyber Security for Schools Top Tips

  • “Script Kiddies” as young as nine conduct DDoS attacks

    As the threat of DDoS grows, this new initiative, launched in partnership with Schools Broadband (Talk

  • Community Outreach campaign reaches three counties in one week!

    On a daily basis it affects far more of our small businesses, charities, schools and other organisations

  • Inaugural Christmas networking event proves to be 'big success'

    Colin commented: “To really help protect our businesses, schools and charities to stay secure online

  • EMCRC partners with Derbyshire Constabulary for community campaign

    On a daily basis it affects far more of our small businesses, charities, schools and other organisations

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